술 먹을때 이 약은 절대 금물!

The increasing number of year-end gatherings raises concerns for those who regularly take medication for chronic illnesses. Mixing alcohol and medication can lead to amplified or diminished effects, impairment of the central nervous system, liver damage, and addiction. Long-term medication users are advised to limit alcohol consumption and consult a healthcare professional before mixing alcohol with medication. Additionally, certain medications should never be taken with alcohol due to their harmful effects. It is important to be aware of these interactions and consult a healthcare professional for advice.
연말연시 술자리가 늘어나고 있습니다. 때문에 평소 만성질환이나 그 외 질환들로 인해 약물을 꾸준하게
복용해 오시던 분들은 고민거리가 늘어나게 되는데요.

오늘은 ‘술 먹고 약물 복용해도 괜찮을까?’에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다.